Christmas Angel Program
Church Christmas Decor
October 26th Weekend Moments
Emry Schroeder Baptism Sunday 10/27/24
Tia Paniagua Quinceanera Saturday 10/26/24
Fort Wayne Saint Charles Borromeo Parishioners Visit Our Parish!
Visitors from Saint Charles with Saint Mary's Pre-K
Visitors from Saint Charles enjoying lunch in our Parish Life Center on Monday October 21.
Bill Ellerbrock relaying to the visitors our parish history
Here Sister Kathleen is opening the doors of our school for our guests to enter
Sister Kathleen and Father Tom Shoemaker meeting again in the PLC. Father Tom is currently the Pastor at Saint Charles Borromeo Parish in Fort Wayne, IN. Sister and Father Tom once served together for twelve years at Saint Jude Parish in Fort Wayne.
Our guests from Saint Charles Borromeo along with Bill Ellerbrock